
Malayalam Actress Subi Suresh Dies of Liver Failure at 41: Common Causes of Deadly Liver Complications

    The sudden death of Malayalam actress Subi Suresh has brought the spotlight on the serious consequences of liver failure. This article explores the common causes of deadly liver complications, including liver failure, and how to prevent them. The entertainment industry was in shock when news of Malayalam actress Subi Suresh's untimely death at the age of 41 broke out. The cause of her death was liver failure, which is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated on time. The liver plays a vital role in our body's metabolism, detoxification, and immune function. When the liver fails, it can lead to deadly complications, such as liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, and even death. This article aims to raise awareness about the common causes of liver failure and other liver complications, their symptoms, and preventive measures to keep your liver healthy. Common Causes of Deadly Liver Complications: Alcohol Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of

Understanding Aftershocks: What We Know About the Earthquakes That Follow Major Seismic Events

    As the world continues to be hit by devastating natural disasters, earthquakes have emerged as one of the most destructive forces of nature. While the immediate effects of an earthquake are often catastrophic, the aftermath of these events can also bring further danger in the form of aftershocks. At their core, aftershocks are simply earthquakes that occur in the same general area as the main shock, but after it has occurred. They can occur immediately after a major quake or even months later, and they can be just as powerful as the initial earthquake. In some cases, aftershocks can even cause more damage than the initial quake itself. What Causes Aftershocks? The cause of aftershocks is still not fully understood, but scientists have identified some factors that contribute to their occurrence. One theory is that aftershocks occur as a result of changes in stress within the Earth's crust following the initial earthquake. Another theory suggests that aftershocks are caused by th

The Indian economy is showing signs of recovery, and the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow between 4.6% to 5% in the third quarter of the financial year 2022-23 (FY23).

  The Indian economy is showing signs of recovery, and the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow between 4.6% to 5% in the third quarter of the financial year 2022-23 (FY23). In this article, we will discuss the reasons behind this expected growth in the Indian economy and the sectors that are driving this growth.  Factors Contributing to the Expected GDP Growth: There are several factors that are contributing to the expected GDP growth in the third quarter of FY23. Firstly, the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and the vaccination drive have boosted economic activity across various sectors. This has led to an increase in consumer demand, which is driving growth in the economy. Secondly, the government's stimulus measures have provided a much-needed boost to the economy. The government's focus on infrastructure development and increasing public spending has resulted in a surge in capital expenditure. Thirdly, the rebound in global demand has led to an increase in expor